level of crude protein 蛋白质水平
the model of level of detail 细节层次模型
Basic property of protein-protein interfaces 界面性质; 小分子聚合物
interaction of protein-protein 蛋白质相互作用
Structural feature of protein-protein interfaces 界面结构特征
3-level of ontology application and practice 多式联运单证
a high level of athletic talent 商用终端机设备
A level of first order 一级A
A、B level of soil 土类A、B层
Abnormal level of blood mineral 血液矿物质水平异常
Abnormal level of unspecified serum enzyme 血清酶水平异常NOS
acceptable level of risk 可承受风险等级
acceptable quality level of process average AQL 过程平均上限值AQL
activation level of brain areas intensity of subjective experience mathematical formula 连续相位调制(CPM)
an area of level country 川
antibody level of serum 血清抗体水平
application level of phosphorus 施磷量
Applying level of nitrogen 施氮水平
Appropriate Level of Protection 适当保护水平